If I Get The Choice...
to sit it out or dance...it's time to dance. Also known as it's time for me to get off my dead ass and start living my life. I'm finally giving myself the final okay to really live.
After a recent doctor's appointment and my test results, I know that I'm never going to get better. It honestly all goes downhill from here BUT that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the ride! At worst I have 3 years left to live. At best I have around 20. Personally, I'm begging for 15 and considering anything over that a gift. Anything less will just leave me one pissed off dead person so the Fates are warned. :) Starting today I am going to live as if any day could be the last.
I'm going to love deeper, speak sweeter, and laugh more. I now accept that the chronic pain will never go away. I now accept that the cancer will one day be worse but I don't accept not really living my life. When I look back over my last 31 years there are more regrets than good memories and I just can't do that to myself or my kids anymore. There needs to be more memories, fun, and laughter in this house. Anyone that gets in the way of that will no longer be in my life (kids not included obviously).
I will no longer be afraid of the unknown. I'd rather be poor and happy than middle class and miserable. My oldest son called me The Survivor in a post he once did but before you can survive you have to really live. My whole life has been spent letting everyone else tell me what I'm suppose to do. Now it's my turn to be in charge of my own life. The kid gloves come off today.
I think I've spent the last 10 years of my life thinking that everything could just wait until I turn 40. Like that is some magic number and suddenly I will be able to live my life how I've always wanted. I may never reach 40 so then what? Will I have spent my whole life waiting for something that will never come? I just can't do it anymore. I want memories now. I want to feel proud now. I want to show my children what life is really about- living and not regretting.
A few years ago, the one thing I wanted before I died was to be remembered. I wanted to be some great published author or world traveler. I wanted to make sure that I wouldn't be some forgotten person that nobody would ever remember. I was so wrapped up in having that dream (even though I really wasn't doing anything to acheive it) that I missed what really mattered and that is...
To all but three people I am really no one. To those three people I am everyone. It is time for them to become my everyone to. They have always been my heart and the very center of my being but I still chose badly for my own wants and benefit leaving theirs out. Now only three things matter to me- wrapping my children in love that will last them all of their lives, helping them to have happiness in life that I've never had, and leaving no regrets when I close my eyes for the last time. All else small potatoes.