Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why Life With Heathens?

Everytime I come to this blog I look at the title "Life With Heathens" and I honestly chuckle. Everytime. Without fail. Why? Because it truly sums up the real world for me. Some people probably see heathens and think "Oh she means Godless non-Christians" but they are so very far from the truth that it too is laughable.

Calling my children "heathens" is the one and only thing I have left of my mother that I can think kindly of. When my brothers and I were younger my mom would call us her heathens which basically meant "you rotten little boogers!" and was always meant in a loving way. It wasn't just when we were bad but anytime. She would tell us that she loved us heathens or that we were her heathens and throughout all the memory blackouts and abuse, it was the one thing I could always hang on too.

So when my own children came along it just seemed natural to call them "heathens" as well. They are my rotten little heathens and I love them more than life itself. They have each saved my life and my soul in their own ways and they are the reason I refuse to accept "life expectancy" statistics. They have been with me to hell and back and somedays they are stuck in hell with me still (which is one of my biggest regrets) but they go on loving me anyway. I look at them and no matter what, I know I'm not a failure. How can someone be a failure when they have three pieces of perfection standing in front of them everyday?

Sure, my kids can be real asses sometimes. Of course, I can be a real ass sometimes too so I can't say I blame them there but they are good kids. I'm proud of them for everything they are and everything I know they will one day be.

So fundies can gasp and cross themselves when they see my blog title all they want but until you know WHY it is my Life With Heathens, you can shut the hell up. Actually, I think you're just jealous because you couldn't come up with a cool name for your blog! ;)


momof3feistykids said...

This is a wonderful post. I was thinking about you today, remembering that you had a painful childhood ... that must make mother's day a tough holiday for you in some ways. Nonetheless ... happy mother's day! ~ Love, Steph

contemplator said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jo. I've always thought about Mom's Day as being more appreciative of my own kid, rather than garnering accolades for being a mother. But I wasn't really raised with holidays, so maybe that's it instead. :)

Your life amazes me. I'm sure it sucks in places, and we've all made bad decisions. But I would hope that if I were in your position someday, that I would live it with the amount of evil grace you do!

Anonymous said...

This is easily the best "About Me" page I've ever read. Nicely done. :)

And a very belated Happy Mother's Day. Though I guess I shouldn't feel too bad since you never wished me a Happy Father's Day. So we're even. Oh, and hi, nice to meet you...

Jenny said...

You are too funny! I call my kids heathens too but we say "heatherns" around these parts...we're hillbilly!!

Ahnie said...

Have you ever read Shirley Jackson's Life Among the Savages? (Same Shirley Jackson who wrote "The Lottery.") She meant the same thing. Love your post, love your blog, love the title. More power to you.

John J. Kaiser said...

Wow, I just wandered in here for the first time, and I must say, you seem to have a very interesting and amazing story. How interesting? Well I will be coming back to read more. ;-)

It's OK to be WEIRD! said...

This is an excellent post. Thanks for putting these details down here for us. It's the 3rd post I've read here, and it totally sets the tone. I just had to come see your blog when I saw the title - I love these kinds of fun, get your attention, totally off the wall kinds of titles! Kudos!!
Oh - my blog isn't listed with my profile:
It's OK to be WEIRD!

Anonymous said...

I love the title of your blog! And it's such a heartfelt, amazing story as to how you got the name.

Crystal Ware said...

I just wanted to say I love your blog title. My Mom called us (and still calls us thankfully) heathens. Such great memories. =D