Monday, July 03, 2006

Been Thinking... New Name?

So I've been wondering lately if I should change the name of this blog. I honestly can't make up my mind so I thought I would do a post and see what other people think.

Leave a comment and let me know if the blog should stay Life With Heathens or if I should change it to Cancer, Kids, and Crayons.

Both are reflections of our life. My little heathens and our daily life as well as having cancer, the kids, and homeschooling (thus the immense use of crayons. LOL). So help a girl out here. What do you think I should do?


Wisteria said...

If you want humor, "Life with Heathens." If you want a more descriptive name then, "Cancer, Kids, and Crayons." You will get more blog hits if you include Cancer in the title. Many people are fighting and looking for hope.

Norm Deplume said...

I like Life With Heathens, too. There's plenty of cancer in the title of your other blog. Not that the MEN2a isn't a huge portion of your life, but it doesn't need to rule all of your blogs, does it?

Or maybe it does. I'll keep reading it either way. ;)

Anonymous said...

I also lilke "Life with heathens" :) Brings a smile to my face each time so I come to check on you guys :-)

jafabrit said...

I like your current blog title. Like your sense of humour, nice blog, despite what the french say ;)

Anonymous said...

Personally, I am partial to the present title. It certainly piqued my interest when I first "met" you.

Jo said...

Thanks everyone for the input. I think keeping the current name is best too. I've been running both blog names through my head the last few days and in my heart I'm still raising heathens so it's a life with heathens no matter what else comes up.

Ro- you are awesome! I have wanted a facelife for this blog forever. I will definately email you very soon and thank you so much!

butterfly cocoon said...

Both names are cute. How about if you change it to the Cancer kids crayons one, you change it around to Crayons, Kids and cancer. I kinda like that one, actually.