Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm Cut Off Too!!

My friend Eliza and I cut ourselves off on Monday. No, we didn't tell the hubbies they were S.O.L in the "mommy and daddy are just wrestling" department. Okay so my poor hubby guy knows not to even ask anymore (damn lack of adrenal glands!) but that's not what I'm talking about.

Last week Eliza and I agreed to drink more water and NO soda this week. That's right ME, who has more soda in her veins than blood figured I needed to drink more water so I'd give it a go. Of course, I didn't know last week that I would spend THIS week with business calls everyday, reviews galore to write, and more email than I think I've ever had. Yes, I'm blond I admit it.

My thoughts? If it wasn't for doing this with Eliza I'd be on a soda IV drip right now. I'm also finding out that the Third Realm of Hell is not having a 4 year old who doesn't listen and two teenagers. Oh no, it's trying to go a week drinking nasty ass water and not having my beloved Wild Cherry Pepsi.

You think I'm kidding? Imagine a woman with the worst PMS you've ever seen. Now times her by 12 and you have me this week. When I told the kids I was starting on Monday their exact words were "Run for it!! Mom's off her drug!!!". Yes, even my children know I love my soda more than any pain drugs they could give me. LOL.

So if you decide to be a total nut job like Eliza and I, my suggestion is to have a buddy to go through it with. Having Eliza ask me everyday how I was doing and being able to joke with her about it truly made this bearable.

Eliza- thanks for doing this with me Hun. One more day! Or are we counting the weekend too? Oh dear stars tell me the weekend isn't included! I'll probably cry. LOL.

Once this is over....kidney stones here I come!! Woohoooo


jafabrit said...

That is like asking me to quit drinking tea lol! I feel for you.

Admin said...

Aww, couldn't you drink natural sodas like these
They don't have anything unnatural in them, no high fructose corn syrup or anything like that. Lots of sugar, I know, but nothing artificial or chemicals. Just a thought. I drink seltzer, so I don't have the soda jones, but I know it's a hard one to kick.

Shine On,

Buffy said...

My husband is a coke addict...(that's the coca cola variety!) It's the first thing he reaches for in the morning (even before he reaches for me!) has to be either straight from a can or glass bottle. None of this plastic bottle or cup soda for him!

I wish your family all the best this week...I don't envy them! lol

David said...

I like soda. (Yes-Mormons drink soda!) I like Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Guarana (Brazilian), Ginger Ale, and Mountain Dew-Code Red! You know you want some...

Ha Ha Ha! A Mormon tempting a heathen! Soon you will be mainlining WCP!

Crazed Nitwit said...

Dr Phil says if stop drinking just one can of pop of day and replace with h2o you will lose 10 lbs in a year. I know you f=drank more than 12oz a day........just think the lbs will melt away like magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marshamlow said...

great idea, maybe I will try this next week. Have a great weekend. Are you going to go for a second week of no pop?

Anonymous said...

I so can feel your pain, Jo. I drink a few cups of coffee every morning, but if I really tried, I could probably give that up. (It'd help if my 2 year old wasn't up 2 or 3 times every night). But I drink Diet Vanilla Pepsi (and occasionally the diet Wild Cherry) every single day. Sometimes 2 or 3 cans. And on the weekends, I probably could go for a whole six pack without even blinking an eye. Good luck!

Homemom3 said...

you will hate me for this but I'm going to try quitting now. My goal is still to make it to Monday, but if I do that I'm going to keep going. :) I mean if ya've made it that far why not right? ::evil grin::

Summer said...

You're a stronger woman than I. I made it through my 2 nine-month soda free stretches. Now I've got Mountain dew flowing on tap. LOL

Good luck being soda free!

Julie Pippert said...

Good for you!

I make a yummy herbal iced tea with fruit and also flavor my water know, for variety, the spice of life. ;)

Using My Words

Nathan Pralle said...

It's sad, isn't it? I love my Diet Mt Dew, and even I'll admit that it's nothing but a bunch of chemicals I'm dumping down my hatch every day. In fact, if I manage to go off of it for a time (a rarity), coming back to it tastes terrible for the first few bottles....then it hits me and I'm back at the nipple of destiny.

Like you said, I'd like to give it up, but the stress of work and so forth...well, it's one of my vices right now, and a soothing one, so...I know. I'm terrible for it, but it could be worse, right? Right? *crick, crick*

Anonymous said...

I'm a Diet Coke fanatic; today was my first day without one and at nine o'clock the craving hit hard. I don't have any in the house, though, so I had to settle for Diet Snapple Mixed Up Berry. YUM.

John J. Kaiser said...

Getting rid of the soda is tough at first. But you'll get used to it quick enough.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I'm so disappointed at what a soda addict I've become. I used to be such a water snob, looking down on all the poor souls who were poisoning their bodies with soda chemicals. Karma sucks!

Anonymous said...

I want to feel bad for you, I really do. I live with a man who was cut off soda. But worse, I am now facing being cut off from so much more, and I think it's safe to say, it sucks!!!

For the record, though, I drink mainly water, with 2 cups of coffee a day, maybe the occasional juice. You can do it. Just turn it into a habit :D

Sugarqueensdream said...

So sweetie, How are you doing with the no drinking soda? I don't think I could! It gives me a little pep in my step at work. I am addicted.....*shameful blush*
I hope you do well!!!

The Chick said...

I haven't had soda or coffee since Saturday, and let me tell ya...I want it right now like a crack addict! Hang in there, girl!