Thursday, November 08, 2007

I Heart Wonder Woman

My lovely and fantastic friend Janice has bestowed another award upon me and I love love LOVE it!!

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It's the Wonder Woman Award! Suhhhh-weeeet!! Bet you're all jealous now aren't ya? HAHA! I have one and YOU don't! Yes, I'm sticking my tongue out at you right now.

Thank you Janice not only for thinking of me but the kind things you said as well. I have someone very special that I want to give this award to right away. A blog award seems like such a small thing in return for all this woman and her husband have given me.

A real life Wonder Woman I know is Holly who along with her extraordinary husband, Scott, owns the blog Hope For Holly. The blog is mostly maintained by Scott and it chronicles what life is like for their family since Holly was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colorectal Cancer in January 2007. Everything is on their blog as they are sharing it all with us including Holly's chemo treatments, when she shaved her head (AMAZING video), and even when she's having a hard time. It really brings her struggle home to you and you can't help but fall in love with both of them.

Please go over and give them a visit. They are truly an amazing couple. I've said they are my Superman and Wonder Woman before so would that make their kids Teen Titans even though they're not teens yet? LOL


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Janice chose well.

Mrs. Fussy Fussypants said...

I love wonder woman!

Crazed Nitwit said...

I don't have isn't so bad. I'm cranky for no real reason. How are you?


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Jo. That's definitely one of the cooler awards I've seen lately. And you get major props for your Teen Titans joke there. So much so in fact, that I will refrain from any smart-ass remarks right now. Nope. None. Biting...tongue...

Anonymous said...

I must add though, that Mrs. Fussy Fussypants has one of the funniest usernames I've seen in quite some time.