Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Hubby Guy!!

Yes, believe it or not it's ANOTHER post from me!
So today is Hubby's 37th birthday and the poor guy is upstairs asleep because he caught the cold/virus that Big B and I had last week. Hubs spent the whole weekend trying to sleep and recover but my guess is he still has another two or three days until the virus is finished with him.

Hubby is one of those hard to shop for people so his gifts this year consisted of money, a pocket watch, a DVD, and some Cadbury eggs. Exciting I know but the rotten shit buys himself anything that he wants so that leaves nothing for the rest of us to use as gift giving ideas.

MonkeyBoy just helped me make Daddy's cake a few minutes ago and then tonight I will be making Jaegerschnitzel for Hub's birthday dinner. It seems to be one of the few meals I cook that he actually likes plus it's really not that hard to make so it works fo me! *smile* Someone please slap me the next time I think eating chocolate cake batter is a good idea. I didn't even eat very much and I feel like hell! Evil damn death by chocolate!

Since Hubby is sick we are just hanging out here at home today but that doesn't mean MonkeyBoy didn't try to get us out of the house anyway. He felt he had a great idea this morning of what we should do for Daddy's birthday...Chuck E. Cheese!! That's right, MonkeyBoy thought it would be a good idea for all of us to go to Chuck E. Cheese's to celebrate the day. Of course, Daddy can relax and just sit in a booth and MonkeyBoy will play all the games for him. Awwww how sweet and selfless of MB! *snort* That kid is way too smart!

Happy Birthday Hubby. It seems like just yesterday that you were turning 30 instead of 37. I'm glad I've been there for all of it though and while there is much I would change out the last 8 years together, being with you wouldn't be one of them. Love you sweetheart and I hope you feel better very soon.

Okay, back to watching Superman cartoons with MB. I can't help but have one question though... how come the Superman in the cartoons we grew up with could breathe in outerspace but the one in the newer cartoons has to wear a space suit? Hmmmm? It seems to me that this newer version is nothing but a big ole red skivie (on the outside of his tights) wearing wuss! That's right, I said it. His mama dresses him funny! HA!


Meg_L said...

Tell him happy happy for us!

Anonymous said...

37? Man, you're married to an old fart, Jo... But wish him a very happy one for me. And don't mock the power of Cadbury eggs!!!

As for your Superman question... geek alert... Superman's actually changed powerwise many times. The original Superman actually couldn't even fly, just "leap over tall buildings". Literally. Then he got insanely powerful and basically could do anything, like breathe in space. In the mid '80s they completely revamped the character and toned down his powers a lot to make him, well, far less boring if you ask me.

And I love those new Superman cartoons! Your kids have good taste. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and what the hell is "Jaegerschnitzel"?!?!? Sounds like pot roast marinated in jaegermeister!

Anonymous said...

Awww, happy birthday to him. Being sick on his birthday has to suck. Good thing he's got a hot wife to take care of him. ;)

Anonymous said...

Don't forget they killed Superman back in the '90s. I am not sure if the new one is a resurrected one or if he is just a replacement. Perhaps Andrew knows the answer.

Anonymous said...

Aww, man. Poor Mr. Heathen! Hope he feels better soon.

I can totally relate about shopping for your husband. I have just about given up on the whole thing--it's going to be gift cards from now on!


Anonymous said...


Man I WISH it were MY news about the it's a boy *lol* My sister is having a baby and she just found out it's a boy. She doesn't want me to publish it yet though. After this weekend I can make it public but for now the pass is notforme and the pass to the other one is candyspg :) Everyone around me is getting knocked up *lol*

Thanks for the Bday wish BTW! Happy Bday to your hubby :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday.. hope I am invited.

My Sassy Mind

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your hubby :D


Anonymous said...

Why do guys always have to instantly buy the things they want? Don't they understand that guys are much harder to shop for than girls?

You always want to buy a great gift they want, but if they've already bought all of the cool stuff they wanted, then what do you do? If my boyfriend continues to buy all of his gift ideas himself, I'll go to the mall and buy myself a present, come back home to relax, and call it a day!

Anonymous said...

Happy birth day Hubby... I'm really sorry for ur illness... I wanna know how many gifts u have got and some short description of them.

Anonymous said...

Happy birth day Hubby... I'm really sorry for ur illness.

Anonymous said...

Hello happy birthday to Hubby hope it will your nice day and you may live long, you must be a birthday party and there will be so fun I hope you will invite me I like the birth day cake so much.

Anonymous said...

The original Superman actually couldn't even fly, just "leap over tall buildings". Literally. Then he got insanely powerful and basically could do anything, like breathe in space