Wednesday, June 22, 2005


This family has so few nice days that I couldn't help but want to post about it today. :)

Early this morning Vin and Sis left to go to his mother's in Texas for a few days. She works for the airlines so flying them out there didn't cost us anything. Sis was so excited for several reasons- she's never been on an airplane, she's never gotten to spend time with/bond with Vin, and she gets to spend time with Nancy. I was so happy for her that Vin asked her to go along. I talked to her several times today and she's having a great time even though they're mostly just fixing things around the house. She DOES have a black eye though. Yep, she's her mother's child alright. Ran right smack into the passenger mirror on Nancy's Bronco while helping out in the garage. LOL. Nancy bought her some sandals though, they are having pizza for dinner, and she gets to see Batman Begins at the IMAX theatre tomorrow so I think she'll get over it okay. ;)

Meanwhile here at home- Lil Man, Big B, and myself had planned a day of errands and not much else. As I was arranging my To Do List this morning Vin's boss' wife called (she had come over to help me out for a few days after my surgery) and asked if Big B would like to go swimming and fishing with them (her 13yo grandson is visiting for the summer). Big B hasn't really had a chance to do anything yet this summer so I told her of course. We arranged for them to pick Big B up at 1pm and we went ahead and left to have my bloodwork done, drop off my CT scan films, pick up my prescriptions, hit the bank, and grab some cheapo lunch. We made it back in plenty of time and they picked Big B up and off he went. He just called and said they caught a really big fish and it sounds like he had alot of fun and is on his way home now. So I'm sure he had a good day too.

After Big B left I decided that Lil Man and I needed some fun too. The poor baby is always stuck in this house with me so off to Walmart we went to pick up the rest of the stuff on my list (groceries etc) and while we were there I decided to spoil him by spending $15 on a little pool and 6 plastic zoo animals since he is into Madagascar right now (kid hasn't even seen the movie and he's obsessed. THANKS commercials! OY!). The minute we had the pool home he was trying to tear into it and expecting me to open it and lay it out in the living room. LOL. I finally got tired of telling him that it had to go outside and to give me a minute and just took it outside to set up. Can I just say those collapsable pools SUCK?! Oh my goodness I couldn't get the darn thing to stay up!! Finally got water in it, changed myself and little man into swimming attire, threw the new plastic animals in the water, slathered on the sunscreen, and off we went! He had a blast and we were in there for well over an hour. Of course, I cheated to get him out of the pool and told him he could have a popsicle. In my defense they are sugar free though. :) So he came inside, ate his popsicle, we played some, and he fell asleep in my arms which is MY favorite thing.

All my kids had a good day today and that means I had a good day as well. It's not often I get to end the day with a smile so you can bet that I'm enjoying it for all it's worth.


Mandy said...


That sounds like a darn near perfect day to me too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day! Amazing how much fun small ones have with simple things like a wading pool!