Thursday, July 24, 2008

Even The Dentist Is Out To Get Me

Have you ever had the feeling that everyone in the known universe is out to get you? Up until today, I've been thinking that it's mostly just doctors who have it out for me. *nervous laugh* Boy have I been wrong!

Today I had a dental appointment to have molds made of my teeth and I figured that since my top right molar has been hurting me lately, I would ask the dentist if we could have it pulled soon. It just so happens that he was able to do it today so silly me thought it would just be a regular run of the mill tooth pulling. I am happy to say that the tooth came out like a normal tooth and the pain hasn't been all that bad.

No, the bad part happened about two hours ago when I felt something hard moving around in my mouth. Thinking it was part of my tooth coming out, I pulled the object out to find not a tooth but a DRILL BIT!! That's right, the dentist had failed to inform me that at some point he broke the end off of a drill bit in my mouth. Maybe it's just me but I think that's something that should be shared with a patient don't you? Even my husband was shocked and believe me, it takes A LOT to surprise that man!

So tomorrow I get the pleasure of calling the dentist's office and asking them what the hell they were thinking (or not thinking) by not letting me know that there could be a piece of metal floating around in my tooth socket. I'm so fucking sick of incompetant doctors I could honestly scream. *sigh*

I would now like to open comments to anyone else who would like to share their dental horror story for the sake of making ME feel better. Just kidding but I would like to hear your stories in hopes that it's not just me that attracts crap like this.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to offer my sympathy to you, because that must have been scary. I hope it didn't hurt, and I also would ask for some sort of "drill-bit special" at the dentist's, if you know what I mean.

Sending hugs from our nation's capital!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Which dental stories are NOT horror stories? Sorry. No pain, no bit?

Summer said...

OMG! I don't know what's worse, that he broke a bit off in your mouth or that he didn't tell you about it. Sheesh!

*Tanyetta* said...

i would find out where he parks his car and stab his tires.

as much as a dentist makes, you would think he would have the sense enough to NOT LEAVE a fugging drill bit in your mouth.

that is negligence. i am pissed off for you.

Angie Lee said...

Oh, you poor girl. That sounds like a million dollar molar.

Homemom3 said...

ikk hate the dentist and that sounds very painful.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in lawsuits but that sounds like it could have been even more horrid if you swallowed it. older son has really huge teeth and is now forty..however...he broke a molar and had his first's wonderful if they are healthy but big teeth are difficult to work on..his wife thinks he's some sort of addict because the dentist gave him vicoden...

Anonymous said...

Holy Schnickies! Why does this stuff happen to you? Or better yet how does this stuff always end up happening to you? Whoa, that's terrible and I have nothing to compare.

Read 'em the riot act sister!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!!! I've got one word for you: LAWSUIT!!!

Jo said...

Great, no one else had a story like that. You're really not making me feel better here! lol

Kat-It honestly didn't hurt at all. I asked for the special and was nicely told to go fuck myself. I DID get my dental xrays from them though so at least now I can go somewhere else. Too many horrible docs has just beaten me into submission I tell ya.

Good- Good point! LOL. No pain, no bit eh? I like it!

Summer- I think the fact that he didn't tell me is much worse. Imagine if that had been a child. :(

Tanyetta- As I said in the email, I like the way you think girl!! EVIL!!! ;)

Maunie- oh if that's the case then I am a HUGE Vicoden addict! LOL. I'm prescribed that every other stinking month for pain. I can actually drive after taking a 10mg pill because it has no affect on me. Having that molar pulled sucked in the fact that now I have this HUGE socket in my mouth where it was. I feel for your son.

Leah- I know right?! I swear I've got some bullseye painted on my forehead that can only be seen with a special blacklight they give our upon graduation from any kind of medical school! They just secretly run that sucker over me, see the target, and now to fuck my shit up!!

Lady- If I wasn't so beat down from all the other shitty doctors I've had screw me up over the last three years I probably would sue. At this point though I was just happy to get out without swallowing the bit and my xrays!

Unknown said...

I am not going to the dentist anytime soon..When i was younger, i had at least 16 teeth yanked by them.braces for 6 years and retainers for 2 years..When i was 17, i had my wisdom teethe yanked..In my family, some family members have 3 or 4 sets of teeth..I now have a couple of broken teeth in the back-they are not bothering me yet-i am not going back until i really have to-and now is not the time-no health insurance..

Anonymous said...

My first experince of a dentist was when i was 7 years old, they put me to sleep with gas and the pulled all my back teeth, that was the first scarey experience, the next time i had to go was when i wsa 15, wow this dentist was a proper butcher, he scared me to death, coming at me with the needle showing and it really hurt, he didn't give me enough numbing stuff, ever since then i have a fear like no other..

Anonymous said...

Your are very right , these doctors are just good for nothing :( I just wonder if he had his eyes closed while drilling your mouth n leaving that bit inside. by the way i have heard several stories about these kinds of accidents with patients . May God help these doctors to save there patients from such miserable situations.

Anonymous said...

how much horrible this story is. I guess every one has such horrible stories. Teeth ache and infections are terrible,

Alex said...

Thank God that I don't have such experience. I used to had a few strings coming out from my mouth hanging there because there're some stitching work and the dentist (or I would say surgeon) is too young to do a good job.