Thursday, October 25, 2007

HA! Take That!!

Oh you guys are just plain evil you know that? Not only are you making sure to comment more now that you know I have to exercise in return but SOME OF YOU are being very very bad!! Paybacks woman, that's all I'm gonna say! :p

So far you have left 23 comments/minutes and today I was able to use up 15 minutes by taking the kids to the museum. Since I was walking so slow to look through everything I didn't count the whole hour and more that we were there but instead just cut it down to 15 minutes. I figure taking an actual walk, doing my Tai Chi, or finally trying those beginner Bellydancing dvds of mine are better ways to use my time up. Of course, when I left there were only about 17 comments so I thought I would get ahead. Smartasses! lol

I wish I could take up running or even kickboxing. Wouldn't that be cool? Then I could kick a certain person's butt everytime he dares to tag me for a meme. AHEM!! Oh well, maybe in another life and in a new body right? With this body I'm limited to things that don't cause stress on my body (which means even yoga...booooo) so that's why I've chosen walking to the duck pond with MonkeyBoy, Tai Chi, and bellydancing.

My arms are getting flabby too so I might just toss in some mild weightlifting. I know I can lift 5lbs without my right shoulder going out so I'll work up to that and see how things go. It all sounds so pathetic doesn't it? I sound like a little old lady who thinks she's supergranny and is hittin' the gym. Ugh.

Thank you all for loving me enough to comment and make me get off my duff. A real problem I have had is that I've been afraid of the pain for way too long now. I'm afraid to exercise because I know it brings on the pain and the flare ups but because of that I never get to find out what might be on the other side of that pain. My mind just figures it's more pain and da hell with that! I want to see if maybe some pain relief is on the other side plus I want to feel healthier, look better, and have more energy if that is possible for me.

So keep the comments coming and I'll keep moving muh bum to keep up with you.


Meg_L said...

Okay, movement is good.

But, you have to get that heart rate up and a meander around the museum is not as good as a focused walk down to the duck pond.

Anonymous said...

So, was the museum any good? I've been to some great ones and to some laughable ones!

*Tanyetta* said...

This is a great idea. Keep on moving :)

Anonymous said...

Jo, you so would never catch me. I'm just too fast. ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice idea on the museum. Something that always help (and adds up quickly) is just walking like you said. When you park at a store, take the furthest spot you can, so you're forced to walk all the way to your car. Whenever possible take stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. Simple things like that can really make a difference without you even realizing it.

And yes, I'm posting my comments separately to tack on more minutes for your bellydancing self. :)

Misty DawnS said...

You are doing a great thing. I always over-do it and end up in pain and suffering afterwards. I've learned that walking is the best thing for me. It gets me some exercise without making me hurt so bad later.
Your doing great!

Anonymous said...

Here's a question for you, Jo. When you respond to comments on here, does that count as a comment itself? Heh. See, I found a way to shut you up didn't I? Heeeeee

Meg_L said...


I think Jo should count it as a comment toward her minutes. It makes sense to me as well.

Meg_L said...

hmmmm, no comment Jo? on whether your comments count toward minutes too?

I guess I'd take your silence, as agreement that they do count....

Jo said...

NO it doesn't count if I comment! If it did then I could just go through my old posts and comment on them myself ya smartasses! :p

I have to add four more minutes to what I owe and take off 10 for what I've done. Better get to steppin' on those comments people if you want to keep up with ME! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Meg_L said...

Hmm, I guess that you do say 'you,' but it's still a good idea for count your comments as well.

Anonymous said...

Adding a comment to make you move again.