Why I Love Blogging
Eliza over at I'm A Home Mom tagged me for this meme awhile ago and unfortunately it took me this long to get to it. The rules are simple, give five reasons why you love blogging and tag five other bloggers. No tag backs either but be sure to let them know who tagged you.
1. When I first started blogging it was strictly to record what was going on medically with me and my children after our diagnosis. I never expected to ever do it for any other reason. Then one day I came across a "mommyblog" and realized that blogging about something else would be a great stress reliever. Thus Life With Heathens was born. I love blogging because I have always loved writing and making people laugh. This way I get to do both.
2. One thing I never expected to get from blogging was friends and the fun of knowing other bloggers. I love knowing that there are people that will always read my blog even if I get sick for a week or two and can't post anything. I love knowing that there are millions of other blogs out there for me to read and bloggers to "meet". It makes things alot of fun.
3. Before my diagnosis I was a regular poster on a few parenting boards that I really enjoyed. I became very close with alot of the ladies on the boards (Patsy was on those boards and an inspiration to us all) and we're still close today. Heck, I met my best friends on parenting groups and when we met face to face it was like we'd known each other forever! My best friend, Carrie, even witnessed my marriage to Hubby Guy. lol. After my diagnosis it was just hard for me to get into forums anymore. I felt very alone as this disorder is rare and hard to compare with other illnesses. Blogging gave me a chance to turn the loneliness into sarcastic fun and sharing. I love blogging because it's yet another chance to be myself.
4. Blogging also gives others a chance to find me and know they aren't alone. I've been contacted by cancer patients, stay at home moms, moms with teens, teen moms, a few people with MEN2a, and many more over the last few years. They have shared with me because they know I can relate and understand. I love knowing that people feel like they know me well enough to reach out like that. I like helping people and through blogging I've been able to.
5. I love blogging because it's so much faster than snail mail! A few of my friends have blogs so since I can't see them as often as I'd like I can at least know how things are going with them daily or weekly. My best friend ,Connie, and I have been writing letters back and forth for years. Getting letters in the mail is great but at times when she's busy working or I'm hit with some stupid illness its nice to know I can check her blog or if I'm sick the kids can read her blog to me so we can still stay in touch until the next letter.
Another truth that I haven't ever admitted but can now is that I'm not that good of a writer (as in professional writer quality) so blogging gives me a chance to still write my way and on my time without worry about how good or bad I am. I would love to be a writer for magazines or paid to blog but until I take a few classes and get my ADD under control, I know that isn't going to happen. So I get to blog and have people read my posts who like how I "write" and that's a nice feeling. Everytime someone new posts a comment here saying "I love your blog", I honestly giggle like a little schoolgirl!! Sick I know.
I have no clue who to tag at this point. So I will leave it up to you if you would like to try out this meme yourself. Just make sure you comment or email me so I can come read your answers.
Thanks for checking out my blog, I didn't even know about The Mom Blogs. Love your blog ;) How many times can I say "blog"?!
I love the reasons you shared! Your blog has so many facets - it's hard to put it in a category. ;-)
I love your reasons. Especially number 2 :) I'll have to do this in a few days. You know you want to do another meme, so I'm tagging you. LOL
Great reasons! And for the record - the picture you chose for this post makes me love you even more! That sarcastic humor and not being afraid to say it like it is are wonderful traits!
Here I am again checking on the Mom of the Heathens! I found your reasons for blogging very interesting, as I started my current blog on AOL when I was ill. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos disease, and the whole process brought me to my knees. The blogging brought me back and I started on a new life. Now you know I only write the funny stuff about life with Brian at the new site, but wanted to share a little of my own history with you dear.
Catherine, the redhead
Hey there,
Thanks for checking out my blog. I love this image of the bunny. You're a woman after my own heart.
I love the answers you gave. I have to say, you really impress me. And by the way I DO love your blog! Commence giggling!
I agree that your reaseon is absolutly right..We can stay at home and make money..No jam
Nice bloggy post. I am inviting you to join Fine Art of Blogging project. Have you got my email?
Hey girl, long time no visit. Well I'm not avoiding you but every time I visit your blog it takes 5 minutes to visit the page, but it freezes my system. Today your page has only one column, all the way down and the rest is blank besides that red. Really strange effect your blog has on mine, but I have RSS'd it so I can now read your blog. As for comments, I still have to visit the blog but once it finally loads the comments section loads immediately. Strange huh?
I love the reason you blog. Keep at it. :)
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