Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Life and Almost Death

I figured that title covered both things I am posting about today. LOL. First, the story about what a shitty month February was...

As I said in my last post before I "disappeared", I felt like hell so on February 6th I went to see my PCP and find out what was going on with me. On the way to his office I started getting extremely horrid nausea and feeling like I was going to black out. Once we got to the office I informed them of what was happening and they still had me sit in the waiting room for 45 minutes. Finally I asked the nurse if I could please go to a room before I passed out.

Once in the room my doctor came in fairly quickly. He diagnosed me with a sinus infection and bronchitis. When I asked him about the feeling like I'm going to blackout and nausea he just said it was probably from the sinus infection. Ummmm okay. Personally I was worried about it being the start of an adrenal crisis. Anyway- got meds for the infection and bronchitis, went home, and proceeded to go downhill from there.

By February 9th I was sicker than I have honestly been in my entire life. It was the worst nausea I could ever imagine and it was a real fight to stay conscious. Finally I told Hubby that I needed to go to the ER because I believed I was in adrenal crisis. Before leaving, I decided to use my injection kit in hopes that it would help ease the nausea some (this part is important later).
So we went to the ER, spent over two hours in the waiting room even though they were told it's a medical emergency, and once we went back were there for another six hours. *sigh* I ended up taking through an IV- two different nausea meds, two doses of steroids, and three bags of IV fluids because I was so horribly dehydrated. Once that was in me I felt MUCH better and continued to get better once we were home.

I honestly thought the whole thing was no big deal but when I told my endocrinologist about it on February 22nd (that was the first appointment I could get as she's been out of state for a family emergency), she informed me that had I not given myself an injection before leaving I would have died on the way to the ER. That scared the hell out of me!! She then proceeded to explain adrenal crisis in depth to me which is something that wasn't done before and told me exactly what to do when I get sick again. I also found out that doubling my steroid dose when sick was pretty much worthless because I take 5mg a day of Cortef so the most I took while sick was 20mg. Ummmm, I guess when you get sick the LEAST you should take is 40mg in the morning and 20mg in the afternoon. Whoops.

My endocrinologist is sending me to a thyroid/breast surgeon on March 31st because she says that even though the biopsy results on the lymph node in my neck came back benign, it wouldn't have shown up on the Octreotide scan if there weren't cancerous cells in there so she wants it taken out. If this surgeon can do it then we'll have it done here in New Mexico but if she isn't comfortable doing the surgery then I'll be sent to St. Louis for surgery.

My endo wanted me to see this surgeon also because she is a thyroid AND breast surgeon which leads to my second bit of news. My doctor is worried about the lump in my right breast and her opinion is that it needs to be removed and then biopsied because as far as she's concerned it's gotta go whether its benign or malignant. Of course, we will go by whatever the surgeon feels is best in this case and personally I don't care what they do with it as long as I hear the word "benign".

I seriously think learning I have breast cancer would be the breaking point for me. I can take alot of shit but being told yet again that I have another form of cancer would be too much.

For now though I'm just enjoying life whenever I can. I let Big B get his ear pierced for the first time two weeks ago and last week I let Sis get two new holes (three total) in her right ear. I think at this point Hubby is worried that I'm going to bring the 5 year old home with a piercing. Haha


Emma said...

Wow. Sounds like you had a rough month. Thanks for writing!


cmurdie said...

Good to finally get a full update girl!! If something happens and you end up over here in St Louis, thats all of 4 hours from me and I can help in any way you need me k!! I miss you!! Happy Birthday btw!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Jo. All I can say is... it's March. :)

Anonymous said...

I know docs are human and all, but seriously, I am still amazed at how no one seems to be on the same page when it comes to a situation like yours! I experienced it with Gus's nuts!! I always felt like I was gathering everyone back to the same spot...drove me batty! But enough about my sanity...I'm glad you updated us and I'm glad you are feeling some deserve to feel well!! lol!! And Happy Birthday a smidge late...sounds like you had a great one!!

Angie Lee said...

Been worried about you - glad you're back! MISS YOU!

Norm Deplume said...

Wow- your February very sucked. And looks like you have some really sucky times ahead. too. But on the bright (yeah right) side, if you have to come to St Louis, maybe I can come visit. I'm only a few hours from there. :)

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a real mess. I hate it when doctors don't take the time to really see what is going on. A doctor not really checking on things landed me in the ER at age 16 and the doctors were running around like chickens. They obviously saved me.

I pray you get better.

Sonya said...

Man Jo, this is a lot to take. I will be praying for you and hope that everything you find out from here on will be positive. Hang in there....I know it's a lot to carry but you can do it!

kellypea said...

I've had two breast biopsies in my life -- both benign. And I can see that after all you continue to keep a stiff upper lip over, that one more thing would be unbelievable. I don't know how you do it.

Rayne said...

This is so incredibly scary. I am glad it turned out okay.
That is funny about the piercings. Both of my girls have pierced ears, the older one more than one hole each ear and I just told her that it was fine with me if she wants to get her nose pierced, I personally find the idea of blowing your nose with that thing in there a bit gross,'s her nose and Scott is freaking. You would have thought I had told her she could be a pole dancer.
Wait until he finds out about the tattoo I okay'd. :)

Syn said...

How scary for you. I hope you are doing better. I have thyroid disease and worry about my adrenals too. I had one of those life and almost death moments with my asthma a few years ago and know how scary it is, especially when you have kids. Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Ohmigod girl! Thank God you're okay!! I seriously need to read more often... I know... bad blog friend... just don't die, okay? ;)